Hamster Time!
Coincidental name!
Probably since it is about Guinea Pigs.
Hey Guys! So I have wanted a guinea pig
for some reason…
I just think they are SO adorable!!! Actually, there is a project where
my class has to pick an animal and write a brochure about it. Obviously, I
chose the guinea pig! I am very excited about that because I LOVE LOVE LOVE
LOVE writing! So does my friend who is doing beluga whales. I will put a pic of
a guinea pig below.
Since I have wanted a guinea pig for personal reasons, I have been
annoying people asking, “Can I have a Guinea Pig?” constantly. This post is
about guinea pigs and how much I love them. I don’t know why I am doing a post
about that but we will just go with it. Recently I have been going to Pet Smart
and Petco. At Pet Smart, I got to hold one, and I am really excited about that.
Next thing I knew, I wanted one of those adorable creatures! That is all for
today so BYE!
Love, Your Dear Blogger,
P.S. This is not my photo, it belongs to the internet and it is somebody else's cute photo that I found.